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Vintage Half-body Mountain Goat Taxidermy Mount DP4009


vintage taxidermy decor cabin lodge man cave safariworksThis amazing Mountain Goat taxidermy half-body mount stands in a lifelike pose on a faux rock. Mounted in a natural and relaxed pose and facing to the viewer's left, this goat appears to be the king of his domain. Taken near Mount Watson Lake in British Columbia in 1970, this goat's white coat is thick and soft throughout with very slight yellowing from age. The detailing is accurate. The tip of the right horn has a slight chip from the fall the animal took after being shot. The ear tips are slightly damaged (see photos). We have given this mount a rating of Vintage and priced it according to the signs of age. A perfect addition to a trophy room, hunting lodge, or cabin.

Quality Rating: Excellent
Approximate Dimensions: 49" tall x 22" wide x 33" deep
Left Horn: 6" circumference x 10" long
Right Horn: 5" circumference 8 7/8" long
Approximate Weight: 40 lbs.
Wall hanger is attached. Hangs from a single screw.
Ships for FREE in the Continental U.S.

About the Mountain Goat - Oreamnos americanus

Scientific Name: Oreamnos americanus

Mountain goats inhabit rugged, mountainous habitats in western North America, from Alaska to the U.S. Rocky Mountains. In Alaska, mountain goats occur in coastal regions in southeastern and south-central Alaska. Despite its name, the mountain goat is actually a member of the antelope family. The mountain goat is the single North American representative of a unique group of mountain ungulates called the Rupicaprinae, or “rock goats.” They are characterized by having relatively short horns and climbing abilities matched for their rugged terrain. Mountain goats are both strong and agile and can jump nearly 12 feet in a single bound.

Mountain goats are well adapted for extreme winter conditions. They have long, dazzling white coats with distinctive beards. A mane of long, up to eight inches in length runs along the spine and over the shoulders and neck. Both sexes of mountain goats appear similar except that males are about 40% larger than females and have differently shaped horns. Adult female goats weigh about 180 pounds, with big males often weighing more than 300 pounds. The horns of a male have more mass than the horns of a female, which are more slender and bend back more sharply at the tip.

Males, known as billies, usually live alone or with a small group of other males. Female mountain goats, called nannies, spend much of the year in herds of up to 20 animals with their young, known as kids.

Mountain goats eat plants, grasses, mosses, lichen and other alpine vegetation.

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