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Taxidermy Mounts

Aoudad Barbary Sheep Taxidermy Mount - SW4726


Mounted Aoudad Barbary Sheep for Sale

Barbary Sheep Taxidermy Mounts
Awesome Aoudad shoulder taxidermy mount. Posed upright and alert with the head facing forward. Good hair and fringe in the nice coloring of browns and grays. Great detailing. Heavy horns and bases, measuring 28" on the left and 29" on the right with 13" bases. The taxidermy quality rating is "Nice." This beautiful animal will make a nice addition to the collection of exotic mounts.

Scientific Name: Ammotragus lervia
Size including base: 32" tall x 22" wide x 26" deep.
Weight: 21 lbs.
Wall hanger is attached. Hangs from single, heavy duty screw.
Ships for free!


About the Aoudad

The Aoudad, also known the Barbary sheep, is native to the rugged areas in Northern Africa in Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Sudan and northern Chad. They are rarely seen in their native habitat but they have also been successfully introduced around the world including Spain, the United States, and Mexico. Barbary sheep are found in dry mountainous regions where they will graze on grasses, bushes, and lichens. They are adept at living in rugged dry habitats much too harsh for other animals because they retain water from the sparse vegetation that they eat. They are nomadic and travel constantly via the mountain ranges where they live. Their main predators in North Africa are the Barbary leopard, the Barbary lion, and caracal. At the first sign of danger, they will run uphill.

Aoudads are a reddish tan color and the inside of their legs are whitish. They do not have a beard but they have a long soft mane on their throat, chest and upper part of their forelegs. The males’ horns sweep out and back, they are heavy and wrinkled and can measure up to 34” long. Females also have horns but they are not as large as the males’.

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