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Taxidermy Mounts

African Impala Taxidermy Mount SW10405


African Impala

african impala taxidermy trophy mountAfrican Impala taxidermy shoulder mount. Upright, alert pose with a slight turn to his left. Good, thick hair in the beautiful coloring of tan, cream and brown. Medium-sized with symmetrical horns and heavy bases. Quality detailing with the taxidermy workmanship rated at "Excellent". This mount would be a good addition to the sportsman's trophy room or office.

Scientific Name: Aepyceros melampus
Size: 35" tall x 14" wide x 19.75" deep.
Weight: approx. 9 lbs.
Wall hanger is attached. Hangs from a single screw.
Ships for free in the Continental US



About the African Impala

The graceful impala is a slender, medium-sized antelope so adaptable that it is found from southern Africa to the northern limits of East Africa.
The body is reddish-brown with white hair inside the ears, over each eye and on the chin, upper throat. A narrow black line runs along the middle of the lower back to the long tail, and a vertical black stripe appears on the back of each thigh. The males have graceful lyre-shaped horns. During periods of intense mating the male vocalizes loudly, making a sound between a lion's roar and a dog's bark. Males become territorial. In home ranges averaging 3 square miles, six to eight dominant males set up territories. They stand with erect posture, rub scent from face glands and make dung heaps to mark their territory.
The territorial male's challenger will have worked his way up through the hierarchy of the bachelor group until he becomes the dominant male. He then leaves the group and challenges a territorial male through horn duels, in which the males approach one another with slow, deliberate steps. At a signal, such as swiveling the eyeballs to show the whites or slightly nodding the head, they rush forward and clash horns, attempting to throw one another off balance. Although fighting can be fatal, males are protected by exceptionally thick skin over vulnerable areas.
When in danger, impalas will "explode" in a magnificent spectacle of leaping. In their zig-zag leaps, they often jump over and across their companions, probably to confuse predators. They perform a high kick of the hind legs, a movement thought to release scent from the glands on the heels, making it easier for them to stay together.


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