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African Mounts

Excellent Caracal Full Body Lifesize Taxidermy Mount SW10913


African taxidermy decor safariworksStriking taxidermy display of an African Caracal cat. This cat is posed in a relaxed manner stretched out and calm. Mouth is closed; claws are intact. The expert craftsmanship and beautiful detail on this mount earns it our taxidermy quality rating of Excellent. A perfect mount for a safari themed trophy room or hunting lodge. This piece can rest on its own on any sufficiently-sized horizontal surface or can be mounted to a base of the buyer's choosing once it is received. For an additional charge, we can also mount it to a base prior to shipping.

Product Rating: Excellent
Dimensions: 31" long x 11.5" tall x 20" deep
Ships for free in the Continental U.S.

About the Caracal

Scientific Name: Caracal caracal

About the African Caracal - Caracal caracal

If you’re considering purchasing a Caracal taxidermy mount, here is a brief description of the attributes a taxidermist will try and capture to make to mount as realistic as possible, plus some other facts you may find interesting.

Caracals are the largest of Africa’s small cats, and it’s most formidable. Caracals have short, dense coats, usually in a uniform tawny-brown to red coats, with color varying among individuals. Females are typically lighter than males. Their undersides are white and, similar to African golden cats, have many small spots. The face has black markings on the whisker pads, around the eyes and lightly down the center of the face and nose. The predominant feature of caracals is their elongated and tasseled, black-tufted ears. The legs are relatively long and the hind legs are disproportionately tall and well-muscled. Tail length ranges from 7” to 13”. Eye color varies from golden to a greenish gray. They stand between 16-20 inches at the shoulder and are 35-40 inches long. A mature male can weigh in excess of 40 lbs., while females are smaller and seldom reach 30 lbs. Even the smallest adult caracal is larger than most domestic cats.

Caracals are distributed throughout sub-Saharan Africa, southwest Asia, and the Middle East. Populations are healthy in southern African. Caracals are considered for the most part solitary animals, social interactions are limited to periods of mating, except for mothers with kittens. Caracals are mostly nocturnal but can be spotted in daylight in protected areas.

The historical range of Caracals is the same as cheetahs and servals, and both coincide with the distribution of the small antelope and gazelles. Caracals occupy diverse habitats and are typically found in savanna and grassland scrub forests, but rocky hills are also common habitats. Compared to servals, caracals can tolerate much drier conditions in African populations.

The name Caracal is a derivative of the Turkish word “Karakulak’, which means “black ear”.





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